Causes and solutions of homelessness and houselessness

The causes for someone to convert in a houseless or homeless are very similar, but they still have some differences.
According to the page web of (Volunteers of America, 2014) (not-profit organization) the principal causes for homelessness are the poverty, disability, mental illness:
- Poverty: in these cases, the lack of money creates the impossibility of a homeless individual person to develop him quality of life, get a job or education and of course make them continue sleeping on the streets. Also if you don’t have money, how you will pay the rent.
-   - Disability: this reduce the opportunities for the homeless people to get a job because in every part of the world exists the employment discrimination for this type of people, they has been living from charity and makes more difficult To pay the maintenance and use of a house, so there are obligated to leave their houses.
Mental illness: some people becomes crazy before to convert in a houseless, much of the times is because of drugs addition and then their lives go to the trash. And also, that the are not able to have a function in the society.

All this causes can be apply to houselessness too, but in these cases, they have family, good friends and participation in the society (the have jobs or education).
                                                (Balingit, 2017)    

The better and more efficiency solution for this problems are the public or private organizations, because through them the entire society can hep to the homeless and houseless people with little or big donations.
Also the government need to offer to this people medical treatment in a free way, for counter the medical illness, addiction to drug and disability, and make to the homeless people better for the society.
Elaborate programs for create government sections that will be helping to all the people that requires amability from they, because the government have the duty of to assure the good quality of life of the citizens. (The Tyee, 2007)

The action of publics authorities is important for reduce the number of homeless, and houseless, they has been taking care of them.

                        (Renaissance Journalism, 2018)

In this video we can see the cooperation between organizations and the community for solve this problem.

By Michael Loor

- Paulsen, M. (2007). Seven Solutions to Homelessness | The Tyee. [online] The Tyee. Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2018].

-Volunteers of America: Greater Ohio. (2018). Chronic Homelessness: Causes and Solutions | News and Events | Volunteers of America. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2018].
-Balingit, M. (2017). 1 in 10 young adults has been homeless over the past year, survey finds. [online] Washington Post. Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2018].

-Renaissance Journalism (2018). "Solving Homelessness: A Community Workshop," Jan. 25, 2018, San Francisco Public Press. [image] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2018].
