Homeless vs Houseless, Are the same? What are the difference?

When we heard about homeless and houseless, we tend to think that it is the same but is not the case, some people are confusing for those words, maybe because the two denote words a lack of something, but that “something” is different.

Resultado de imagen para familias en la calle
(Telesur, 2016)
Houseless is to refer more at the physical things, is the absence the things that a person can to touch, is to refer more at the place that they feel safe, as de house, the walls, the ceiling. And even though they have the absence of a physical house, they can form something called "home" not necessarily as one would think, but that is where they feel good.

(Corriendo la voz, 2017)
But on the other hand homeless person is one that does not have "human warmth", is It's a state of mind where that they feel isolated from society they think that not only they are not able to sustain themselves, also they can not contribute to something, they are more inclined to feelings.

While one may be due to the precariousness of a country's work or lack of preparation of oneself or financial problems, the other may be due to trauma and in the worst case to mental illness or problems that may or may not be caused by drugs, also problems with them family that makes some feel really bad,and they feel "that deep wound" that is very difficult to leave, where they feel that they can not trust anyone and sometimes that it is not worth living.

This video can help us understand more about the differences mentioned.

                                                                    (Dickinson, D. 2018)

By: Daniella Muñiz


-Dickinson, D. (2018). Nomads Discuss Houseless vs We are NOT Homeless! [Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOGzO_2oOkg
-Corriendo la voz. (2017). Refutan el diagnóstico del gobierno porteño sobre personas en situación de calle. [Image]. Retrieved from http://corriendolavoz.com.ar/8413-2/
-Telesur. (2016). Argentina: aumenta el número de personas en situación de calle[Image]. Retrieved from https://www.telesurtv.net/news/Argentina-aumenta-el-numero-de-personas-en-situacion-de-calle-20160601-0032.html


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