Action of the Authorities


(Harper, B. 2014)

The homeless are people who suffer from loneliness, without being it. Offered help with the collaboration of organizations that are in charge of dales livelihoods and programs to help them since they are people of low self-esteem that have to think that they are good for nothing and never will do good in your life.

It is interesting to see how there many groups of different way to offer that kind of helps who more need you, campaigns that help fight out of that State's mood. Not only affects young adults and the elderly, they see that their only way out is encerrarce if same and in cases ends get to leave home and live a life on the street.


There are several organizations that help and encourage people not sitting home, make campaigns to prevent the event providing your service before and after fleeing home.

NATIONALHOMELESS.ORG It is one of the many organizations that help both people that is want go home as those who already do not have a home, their way of working and your help is:

People who want to run away from home, encourages them to seek prevention programs and can usually help to pay the rent, public services or invoices.

Already do not have to a home there are programs that offers help to people who need medical assistance ,food and housing, temporary or permanent, depending on the situation of the people.

Also as we see in Good Shepherd Centre, is a registered charitable organization, provides emergency shelter.

The Center is run by a Board of Directors and is funded by a combination of grants from HSE, local authorities, Income collected from customers, donations and fundraising.

By: Ivonne Baño 


-Good Shepherd Center. (s.f.). FACT SHEET 4 ABOUT THE GOOD SHELPHERD CENTRE. Recuperado el 03 de junio de 2018, de
-Harper, B. (03 de mayo de 2014). Mic. Recuperado el 03 de junio de 2018, de 6 Myths and 1 Truth About Homelessness in the United States:
-NATIONALHOMELESS.ORG. (s.f.). National Coalition Homeless. (W. T. Framework, Productor) Recuperado el 03 de junio de 2018, de
-this morning. (04 de mayo de 2018). Loneliness helplines. Recuperado el 03 de junio de 2018, de


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